Application Form Required fields are marked *. Name of Applicant (required)* Current residential address (required)* Phone (required)* E-mail (required)* What is your graduating institution? (required)* What year did you graduate? (required)* What plans do you have for your dance career in the next 5 years? (required)* (150 words max) What excites you about the continuing evolution of your dance genre in New Zealand? (required)* (150 words max) Hyperlinks to showreel or performances including one solo piece. (required)* (For ensemble work, identify who you are). Add hyperlinks into the body of the email you send in with this application form Referee 1: Head of School/Director of your graduating institution Name (required)* Role (required)* Institution (required)* Phone (required)* Email (required)* Referee 2: Director/Choreographer of any work you have been involved in since graduating or in final year at graduating institution Name (required)* Role (required)* Company/Institution (required)* Phone (required)* Email (required)* Submit